Country Did You Know -- Part 5
- Did you knowall of the cobble stones used to line the streets in New York were originally stones found in the hulls of Belgian ships ballast
- Did you knowa Chinese checkerboard has 121 holes
- Did you know32% of all land in the U.S. is owned by the government
- Did you knowPinocchio is Italian for 'pine head'
- Did you knowthe oldest exposed surface on Earth is New Zealand's south island
- Did you knowyou can buy square watermelons in Japan (developed to stack better in supermarkets)
- Did you knoweveryday, more money is printed for Monopoly sets than for the U.S. Treasury
- Did you knowAmerican's eat 18 billion hot dogs a year
- Did you knowIndia has over 50 million monkeys
- Did you knowIceland was the first country to legalise abortion in 1935
- Did you knowJapan is the largest exporter of frog legs
- Did you knowthe average American eats 263 eggs a year
- Did you knowin 75% of American households women manage the money and pay the bills