Interesting Facts You Never Knew - Part 3

35. After the Disney movie “Princess and the Frog” came out, more than 50 children were hospitalized with salmonella from kissing frogs.
36. Scientists say, spending too much time indoors can ruin your eyesight and weaken your immune system.
37. Because the surface of the moon has no wind or water, an astronaut’s footprint could last for millions of years.
38. The human eye has around 576 megapixels.
39. 25% of all Twitter accounts have no followers.
40. 350 slices of pizza are sold every second in America.

41. Macaulay Culkin was paid only $100,000 for his role in Home Alone, but was paid $4.5 million for his role in Home Alone 2!
42. When baby monkeys are born they grab their mother’s legs and pull themselves out.
43. Dr. Suess actually cheated on his wife while she was sick with cancer for 13 years – When she killed herself, he married the mistress.
44. The Nazi leader, Hitler, from 1942 until his death in 1945, was addicted to crystal meth.
45. A “Panther” isn’t a real animal. It is actually a term used to describe black cougars, jaguars and leopards.
46. Drinking cold water can help speed up your metabolism and assist in weight loss.
47. It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes all sucking at the same time to completely drain the average human of blood.
48. Memories can be strong enough to invoke the exact emotions a person felt when the experience originally happened.
49. Your immune system destroys at least one cell every day that would have become cancer if it lived.
50. Organic and nutritious food actually costs about 10 times as much as candy and junk food.
51. The pattern of your heart beat changes to mimic the type of music of music you’re listening to.